The Scripting Den Podcast

Episode 24 - Top 5 skills you should have as a backend developer

Fernando Doglio Season 1 Episode 24

In this episode I cover some of the basic skills you should focus on learning or perfecting if you're looking to become a backend developer.
Are these all the technologies/skills to focus on? Absolutely not! This is just a starting point. There are many more aspects of the role to look into, and that is why I'm also linking some extra articles below.

Enjoy the episode!

Top skills mentioned

  1. Pick a backend language. It doesn't matter which one, pick one and go with it.
  2. Learn a framework for your chosen language. 
  3. Learn about backend architecture and architectural patterns.
  4. Learn about databases, specifically about SQL vs NoSQL.
  5. Understand how APIs work and how to create them yourself.

Extra skill implied throughout the entire episode: Keep an eye in the industry, understand what new technologies emerge and which ones make sense for you to follow.

Interesting links:

  • Read my articles about microservices here:
  • Full article about must-have skills for backend developers:
  • Learn about Microservices vs Monolith here:
  • What does it meant to have microservices in your backend?

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